The Federal Firefighter Fairness Act ensures federal firefighters receive the same access to disability and retirement benefits as their peers who are state, county, and municipal firefighters and who often fight the same exact fires.

Like most firefighters in the United States, it would create the same presumption that federal firefighters who become disabled by serious diseases, like certain cancers, lung disease, heart disease and infectious diseases, contracted the illness on the job.

Under the current federal law, federal firefighters are required to precisely identify an incident or exposure that caused a disease for it to be considered job-related. The burden of proving that one specific incident or an exposure to a disease is extremely difficult for firefighters to meet, because they work in so many environments and conditions.

Fighting fires is hard and dangerous work. In one study conducted by Harvard University, scientists measured air contaminant levels at more than 200 structural fires. Benzene, a chemical linked to many cancers, was found in 181 out of 197 samples from fire scenes.

Multiple studies have shown that there are over 100 chemicals that can be found in smoke, showing just how difficult it can be for federal firefighters to prove an illness they contracted was caused by one specific chemical or incident.


As Edward A. Kelly, General President of the IAFF (International Association of firefighters) states: “The link between firefighting and these deadly diseases are scientifically proven, yet the federal government leaves the families of our fallen behind. I applaud Senator Carper for his leadership on this critical issue and for working to provide federal firefighters this long overdue benefit.” Our firefighters have gotten the short end of the stick for too long. We need to change the law, and we need your support to do it!


We support the election of legislators like Chuck Grassley, Garrett Graves and Don Bacon who sponsor bills that support our first responders. Our Nation’s firefighters should not have to suffer unfairly with the health consequences for doing their jobs and providing their service to our country.


The Federal Firefighters Fairness Act would amend Federal Employee Compensation Act to ensure firefighters receive the financial support they deserve for diseases contracted in the line of duty. The FFA will classify a range of firefighting-linked illnesses contracted by firefighters as “job related” thus making them eligible for federal workers’ compensation and disability retirement benefits